Category Archives: UNIX

What I do for a living and what I like

Setting Up RAID1 with GEOM on FreeBSD 8.1

After doing a default install I need to mirror my root hard drive. In the past I would have used ATA or CCD (Concatenated Disk Driver). I also have used Vinum which is a logical volume manager similar to Varitas … Continue reading

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Updating FreeBSD 8.1

After the box that was hosting the old FreeBSD box (version 6.x) finally gave up the ghost and knowing that I wanted to skip 7.x, I just finished a fresh install of 8.1. After setting up my accounts the next … Continue reading

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Upgrading from FreeBSD 6.2 to FreeBSD 6.4

I have been slack about keeping my BSD server up to date. I have a replacement box ready to install FreeBSD 7, but I noticed that 7.1 is about ready to move to RELEASE and 8 should be out shortly. … Continue reading

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Copyright Symbol on A Mac

Keyboard Shortcut: hold option & press g. Link to other symbols

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Creating Joliet iso images on a Mac

Open Disk Utility and use the New Image from Folder menu item to create an image. Use uncompressed and use the CD/DVD master option. Use hdiutil to convert cdr to iso cd ~/Desktop hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o Master.iso Master.cdr … Continue reading

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Updating FreeBSD 6.2

Ah good old FreeBSD sometimes you forget that you actually have to patch it. While I am fairly good about keeping my release current, this is one of the few times that I have had to update because of an … Continue reading

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Changing UID and Shell in Leopard

Since Netinfo was replaced by Directory Services in Leopard there are several user based tweaks that I like to do. This had not been a problem on my Mac Pro since I did an upgrade, but I just got a … Continue reading

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Leopard Upgrade and Parallels

Another problem I ran into is that Parallels v.3 network bridge mode stopped working. This is related to the fact that I did an upgrade and not a fresh install of the OS. Reinstalling parallels does not solve the problem. … Continue reading

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Leopard and Photoshop v. 7

I just upgraded to Leopard and so far the first big problem I found is that Photoshop v.7 will not work. Granted this is an old version and designed to run in both classic and OS X, which I suspect … Continue reading

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Upgrading IBM pSeries 660 Memory

After sending most of my day on a memory upgrade, I discovered something fun. IBM pSeries 660 model 7026-6H1 Servers count their memory in quads and not pairs. Even though the memory vendor sells the upgrade kit as a pair.

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